On those electromagnetic domains where the second Poincare invariant vanishes, Topological Torsion, A^F, defines a deformable integral domain of support which behaves as a coherent structure in plasmas and other electromagnetic media. Such structures, as seen in laser beams, are called often called optical vortices. The values of the closed integrals of such structures have integer ratios. That is, they have topological quantum numbers. These topological quantum numbers have nothing to do with Schroedinger quantum mechanics.
On domains where the first Poincare invariant vanishes, Topological Spin, A^G,
also defines a deformable integral domain of support (usually distinct from the
topological torsion domain) which also behaves as a coherent structure in
plasmas and other electromagnetic media. Both species can support helical
structures. These topological coherent electromagnetic structures are independent from the constraints of a a metric or a connection defined on 4 dimensional space time.
The Electromagnetic theory of such coherent structures is developed in the
download link below. Many examples of exact closed form solutions to Maxwell's
electrodynamics are given in the Appendix of the article, demonstrating the
features of such electromagnetic structures.
LANL arXiv physics/0102001