Period Integrals and Quanta

The fundamental period integrals on space time are:

Quantized Flux: A 1-dimensional period integral on any space.
The integral of A over a closed 1-dimensional domain, or curve. Alias the Cartan-Hilbert Action integral, or the Kelvin Circuation integral, or the Bohm-Aharanov integral. Note that dA= 0 over the interior domain, a fact that corresponds to Meisner expulsion in superconductors.

Quantized Charge: A 2-dimensional period integral on space time.
The integral of G over a closed N-2=2-dimensional domain or surface. Alias the Gauss integral of electromagnetism. Note that this is NOT equivalent to the integral of F=dA, except in very special circumstances, and then only on a space of four dimensions. Further note that J = dG = 0 over the interior domain.

Quantized Spin: A 3-dimensional period integral on space time.
The integral of A^G over a closed N-1=3-dimensional domain. Note that d(A^G) = F^G = 0 over the interior domain. In electromagnetism, this constraint corresponds to domains where the first Poincare invariant vanishers; D.E-B.H = 0.

Quantized Torsion: A 3-dimensional period integral on any space.
The integral of A^dA over a closed 3-dimensional domain. Alias the Topological Torsion integral. Note that d(A^dA) = dA^dA = F^F = 0 over the interior domain. In electromagnetism, this constraint corresponds to domains where the second Poincare invariant vanishes; E.B=0. The Hopf invariant.


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