Does the Universe have a Center of Symmetry?

With all the huzzah about the expanding universe there is an implicit notion that there is a center of symmetry about which the expansion takes place. Homogeneity, isotropy are cornerstones of the cosmological principle, which under closer scrutiny appears to have defects. Could there be another defect in that the Universe does not have a center of symmetry?

How would such a defect be detected?

It is suggested herein that the radiation impedance of free space may not be exactly equal to the square root of the ratio of the vacuum magnetic permeability divided by the vacuum electric permittivity. It is straightforward to show that a constitutive tensor relating D to both E and B, as well as H to B and E, can be arranged such that all of the Lorentz properties currently attributed to the vacuum are still valid. The only change would be in a conformal factor related to "optical activity" of the universe. The only observable electromagnetic effect would be that the impedance of freespace is soemwhat different from the perfect Lorentz background. There is some reason to speculate that this defect is of the order of the ratio of the Hall impedance to the classic freespace impedance. That is, the defect which relates to a lack of a center of symmetry of the universe is related to the fundamental charge on the electron!

Such a lack of a center of symmetry could also influence spinor solutions, for they would travel with different speeds inbound vs. outbound


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