Cartan's Corner
#Current Topics on Cartan's Corner
Elie Cartan
Falaco Solitons
Topological Examples in the Real World
Cartan's Topological Structure II
Falaco Solitons
Wakes as Topological Limit Sets
Poster Sessions
Wakes as Topological Limit sets.
Topology and Turbulence.
Topology of Lift and Drag
Vorticity, Vortices, and the Torsion Current.
Torsion Bursting vs. Vortex Bursting.
Topological Defects
Viscosity, Mass and Planck's Constant.
Falaco Solitons
What is Topology ?
Retrodictive Determinism
Continuous Topological Evolution
Topological Torsion A^dA # 0
Topological Parity dA^dA # 0
Cartan's Topological Structure I
Anholonomic Fluctuations
Envelopes, Non-Uniqueness, and Topological Torsion
Thermodynamics as a Finsler Space with Torsion
The Topological Arrow of Time
Electromagnetism: a short course in differential forms.
The Four Forces and Cartan topology
Period Integrals and Quanta
Electromagnetic Strings and Minimal Surfaces
Cartan's Projective Frenet Frames
Bohm Aharanov vs. the Hopf Index
Longitudinal B Fields
Clebsch Variables
Longitudinal, Transverse, and Torsion Waves.
The Ubiquitous Van der Waals Gas
Dynamical Topological Phase Transitions in Fluids
Cartan methods and Solutions to Navier-Stokes equations
Frobenius integrability and the Pfaff Dimension
Thermodynamic Irreversibility and the Torsion Current
Cartan's Magic Formula
Casimir Pressure and Davies-Unruh Temperature
The Magnetic Dynamo
A Matrix derivation of Cartan's structural Equations
Minimal Surfaces and Harmonic Vector Fields
Coherent Structures
Does the Universe have a Center of Symmetry?
Some remarks about longitudinal B fields
R. M.Kiehn
Quantum Reprogramming
Topological Torsion Defects have been observed
Young's double slit gives a surprise
Maxwell's equations are independent of dimension
The Hopf Index and Limit Cycles
The Ubiquitous Maxwell-Faraday-Ampere
Links, Knots, and Braids
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Last update 01/23/2009